About Us
The Hellenic-Roman Association "Mediterraneum" aims to defend, strengthen and empower the Ethnic Religions of the wider geographical space at multiple levels, with work produced jointly and coordinated.
Legal Entity for classical religion in Italy
From classical tradition to devotional practice.
The legal body of the Hellenic Ethnic Religion in Cyprus
The legal body of the Hellenic Ethnic Religion
Gathering of Ethnikoi Hellenes for Aid
in the Defense of Ethnic Traditions
21st - 23rd of June «2024», Athens: 1st Conference of the Hellenic Roman Association-Mediterraneum
The Hellenic-Roman Association "Mediterraneum" aims to defend, strengthen and empower the Ethnic Religions of the wider geographical space at multiple levels, with work produced jointly and coordinated.
Hercules in the Hellenic Ethnic religion is considered as a solar deity, as a population of Helios, and interacts with the other populations of the lord of fire, the Gods Dionysus and Apollo, with whom he shares epithets and addresses.